Live reporting by
Meghan Rutigliano
The proposal to split the decision-making process for three solar farm projects into separate items was voted down, despite efforts to streamline the review of the Neighborhood Solar Initiative.
Hi Detroit! I’ll be live-tweeting the Public Health and Safety Standing Committee
Detroit City Council mtg @ 10am for #DETdocumenters.
@DetDocumenters media partners:
Detroit City Council mtg @ 10am for #DETdocumenters.
@DetDocumenters media partners:
08:50 AM Jul 22, 2024 CDT
The meeting will take place in person at 1340 Coleman A. Young Municipal Center (313) 224-3443 Detroit, MI 48226
IMPORTANT: If you believe anything in the coverage today is inaccurate, please email us at with "Correction Request" in the subject line.
I'm on the Zoom link and the meeting has started but I can't hear or see anything.
They could be waiting for a quorum. I'm going to try dialing in by phone just in case the connection issue is on my end. ;)
No, it just hasn't officially begun. I'm also on the Zoom phone call. In the meanwhile, here's the membership of the committee:
Sorry folks. I'm confused. They seem to be going over items not on this meeting agenda. I'm wondering if perhaps they called another subcommittee to order?
yeah, I'm a bit confused. I see the Zoom screen from Channel 10. I believe that they must have just gone on with another meeting in lieu of the meeting I was meant to cover.
OK! I think I figured it out. This is the agenda. The Zoom is not working at all.
The meeting IS taking place, was already called to order. Here's the agenda they're on:…
So correction: I had the wrong agenda link. The correct one is here:…
Our Documenters coordinator just let us know that the Zoom account was affected by the Crowdstrike update and is not working. You can watch today's City Council session here, on the video attached to the agenda:…
Let me find their place in agenda. Sorry for the glitch. Lots of comms affected by Crowdstrike!
They're talking about fireworks and riverfront and Aretha Franklin arena. Harbormaster Unit patrolling is up for discussion.
Motion to approve 6.22-6.23 approved.
Motion to approve 6.22-6.23 approved.
Motion to discuss these items approved. Ron Brundidge
Ron Brundidge - Director - Department of Public Works - City of Detroit joined to provide context for what they public might expect.
Ron Brundidge - Director - Department of Public Works - City of Detroit joined to provide context for what they public might expect.
Talking about repaving Conner in District 3. Class C streets with no curbs.
6.24-6.25: Sent to new business with recommendation to approve.
Joined now by Council President Waters.
Joined now by Council President Waters.
They're discussing repaving areas of Outer Drive, McNichols to where county segment ends. No immediate plans for repaving. Railroad crossings.
Now they're going back to Items 6.4-6.18 for discussion.
Director of Destruction and Demolition.
Director of Destruction and Demolition.
6.5: Detroit has reached the extent of its AARP funding. The reason why we're seeing funding from AARP AND other funding sources for these items.
Items 6.4-6.18 are approved.
Items 6.4-6.18 are approved.
Leah Smith from the Health Department is in the room.
Director of Administrative Operations.
6.20. Why more space? Need more space for residents to easily walk to for nutritional services. WIC Program space.
Director of Administrative Operations.
6.20. Why more space? Need more space for residents to easily walk to for nutritional services. WIC Program space.
Santiago-Romero asking Smith for help figuring out what staffing would be needed to conduct a health impact study and our air quality? Areas like D64 where there's high rate of industrial activities.
6.20-6.21 Approved!
Motion to send to New business with rec to approve.
Motion to send to New business with rec to approve.
6.26: Noise Violations Update to Support Urban Core Growth, Public Hearing to be scheduled.
Council member Scott Benson asking: why are we doing this? seems like a negative thing for residents.
Council member Scott Benson asking: why are we doing this? seems like a negative thing for residents.
6.28 Mary Waters proposed an ordinance codifying that residents can withhold their rent if their requests for compliance are not honored. Only 10% of Detroit's properties are in compliance.
Benson: How can we get to 100% compliance?
Benson: How can we get to 100% compliance?
Benson: How can we support getting landlords to be part of the winning solutions here? Wants to push getting quality resources to landlords!
Andie (from Mayor's office) is there to address questions. Wants to focus on enforcing serious rights for tenants. Codify city's ability to enforce tickets to a lien on the property to give "teeth" to the ordinance. Fixing a leaking enforcement system. (oh! I love her language!)
Waters: been working on compliance issues. Has been determined to move this work forward.
Santiago Romero is asking Waters to combine efforts to move forward work on providing safe housing.
Benson is concerned about Liens on property.
Andie from City Council: It could be a foreclosable event.
Benson is concerned about Liens on property.
Andie from City Council: It could be a foreclosable event.
6.36-6.37 are approved. 6.38 is responses to fugitive dust ordinance. Received and filed.
6.39: Allow separate votes on Solar farm proposals.
Motion to discuss.
Benson: What would this accomplish?
6.39: Allow separate votes on Solar farm proposals.
Motion to discuss.
Benson: What would this accomplish?
6.41-6.42 Received and file w Engineering Department.
6.43-DTE requesting vacation (not the adventure but the action of vacating LOL)
6.44-Requesting vacation
6.43-DTE requesting vacation (not the adventure but the action of vacating LOL)
6.44-Requesting vacation
6.46: Motion to bring back in one week. Approved.
Now discussing 6.39 and 6.46.
Council and CFO & Strategy Officer
This is about dividing the solar farm sites.
Now discussing 6.39 and 6.46.
Council and CFO & Strategy Officer
This is about dividing the solar farm sites.
Motion to approve with recommendation to deny (Benson). Benson objects to 6.39. He votes NO.
Waters votes NO. The item fails and doesn't go to formal session.
6.46. Misc. Memo relative to solar initiatives.
Waters votes NO. The item fails and doesn't go to formal session.
6.46. Misc. Memo relative to solar initiatives.
A woman is saying she's sorry that she has no idea how questions from city council escaped her notice.
Motion to bring 6.46 back in one week.
6.48 Long memo that they'll discuss next week.
Motion to bring 6.46 back in one week.
6.48 Long memo that they'll discuss next week.
6.47: Assign to LPD to review.
What is it? Essentially the effort to enroll Michigan to the ground emergency program to receive reimbursements. Medical system is way too costly for residents. Assigned to LPD. Bring back in one week.
What is it? Essentially the effort to enroll Michigan to the ground emergency program to receive reimbursements. Medical system is way too costly for residents. Assigned to LPD. Bring back in one week.
6.48: Memo from City Council President's office. Motion to receive and file.
Motion to bring back 4.49-6.51 on September 9th.
Motion to bring back 4.49-6.51 on September 9th.
Resident getting complaints about people smoking at Aretha Amphitheater. Wants no smoking signs posted there.
Same guy: What can be done to ensure adequate staffing during 4th of July? and weekends? Works at water treatment plant.
Commenter on 6.35: Vouchers for employees? To pay for city employee childcare? Needs to be a policy around GBGD funds which are for Detroit residents.
Wants adequate conversations about solar. Says that solar fields are being forced on residents.
Female speaker: Police power is for basic things and not for zoning. What's the long term implication of solar farms?
Female speaker: 3rd annual resource fair. Needs barber and hair braider. District 7.
Male caller supporting Kamala Harris.
Male caller supporting transit ordinances to protect residents for air pollutants.
Wayne State Scholar Male calling about lead poisoning of children.
Male caller supporting transit ordinances to protect residents for air pollutants.
Wayne State Scholar Male calling about lead poisoning of children.
Female caller supporting the purchase of zero emission paratransit vehicles!
Male caller: pushing for water amnesty! Thanks City Council for supporting his organization, Hydrate Detroit.
Believes in water affordability and supports Harris for president.
Believes in water affordability and supports Harris for president.
The next meeting, I believe, will take place after the City Council breaks for Summer Recess. I heard reference to September 9th date during the meeting today. Please refer to the City Council website for info on future meetings.…
This concludes my coverage of the Public Health and Safety Standing Committee
Detroit City Council mtg today. For information about the next meeting, visit:…
Detroit City Council mtg today. For information about the next meeting, visit:
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