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Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Note-taking by Nikki Roberts

Andrea Kersten appointed COPA chief, West Garfield Park Aldi purchase, Victims' Justice civil asset forfeiture

Live reporting by Rex Tai

Andrea Kersten appointed COPA chief, West Garfield Park Aldi purchase, Victims' Justice civil asset forfeiture

Rex Tai, MD @RexA_Tai
Good morning! I will be live-tweeting today's @ChiCouncil City Council regular monthly meeting on behalf of @CHIdocumenters, starting at 10 AM CST.

Meeting info, including today's agenda and items of business, are available on Legistar. chicago.legistar.com/DepartmentDeta…

11:12 AM Feb 23, 2022 CST

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The meeting is called to order by Mayor Lightfoot. Roll Call is taken, with a quorum of 46/50 alderpersons present.

The meeting begins with the period of public comment.
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First public speaker is Chicago's beloved long-term resident and frequent public commenter, George Blakemore, who incidentally is celebrating his 80th birthday during this Black History Month.
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He calls for increasing black mass civic engagement, not just having black public officials in high positions, in order for black citizens to "move off the modern black plantation."
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The next speaker voices his appreciation for the lifting of mask and vaccine mandates on Feb 28 but requests that if it is reenacted that unvaccinated children (who epidemiologically tend to be lower income and more likely black) still be allowed to take swimming lessons.
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Up next, a speaker from Chicago West Side NAACP, voices opposition to the Victims' Justice Ordinance, stating the City's existing gang database does not have clear metrics on how gang membership is determined. chicagotribune.com/news/breaking/…
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Black individuals make up 60% of the gang database without adequate explanation of their gang involvement, usually only based on zip code. The speaker calls for West Side aldermen vote down the ordinance and to work with the NAACP to develop appropriate accountability measures.
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The next speaker, a member of @SocialistAlt, voices solidarity with unionizing Starbucks workers, calling for @ChiCouncil to side with the workers by supporting an ordinance that demands Starbucks CEOs stop their union-busting tactics. chicago.eater.com/2022/1/5/22867…
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The next speaker, a member of the St. Michael the Archangel Church community in South Chicago, states the church has been permanently closed, and at risk of vandalism and neglect. She asks for its recognition for landmark status to aid its preservation.
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Next is a speaker from @unitednwside, who condemns Mayor Lightfoot's push via the above Victims' Justice Ordinance to use civil asset forfeiture to address gun violence.
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This would allow the city to seize assets before courts find accused persons, who are not entitled to attorney representation in civil lawsuits, liable for gang activity. He blasts Mayor Lightfoot for inaction in revising the flawed gang database that would inform these lawsuits.
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With the conclusion of the public comment period, the Council moves next to address two Resolutions:
1) Honoring IL Secretary of State Jesse White
2) Recognition of Black History Month
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Various Alders speak praise to Sec. White's various contributions statewide, including expanding library hours and organ donation via drivers' licenses, and in particular his work in youth community engagement through the Jesse White Tumblers and literacy programs.
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Many members of the council give their personal thanks to Sec. White for his mentorship, guidance, and community service during his long tenure, wishing him well in advance of his retirement.
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@AldermanBurnett closes out with an emotional recounting of Sec. White's story and upbringing. Ald. Burnett was personally impacted by the Tumblers' work in Cabrini-Green, later working as special assistant & campaign staff for Sec. White, whom he describes as like a father.
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On to Resolution #2, recognizing #BlackHistoryMonth. @AldermanErvin opens with recognition of Chicago's own black history as the origin of Negro History Week in the 1930s which has now become Black History Month by presidential declaration at the US bicentennial in 1976.
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The council gives special recognition to a panel of black history makers and recorders with representatives from @mrdadsclub, Roses in Roseland, @UChiUrbanLabs, @DuSableMuseum, and @APRPPMuseum
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Motions to pass the above 2 resolutions honoring Secretary White and recognizing Black History Month proceed.

Now back to regular business.
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Next, committee reports. Chairman Waguespack reported for the Committee on Finance's Feb 17th, 2022 meeting. Item 1 is a proposed ordinance to execute a redevelopment and land use agreement to provide multi-family program funds, tax exempt bonds, and loan assistance for
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the acquisition, reconversion, and renovation of the Covent Hotel at 2653 N Clark Street. After roll call vote, this ordinance passed unanimously.
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Item 2 is a proposed substitute ordinance for acquisition and construction of mixed-use and affordable housing at 1134 S Wood Street in the 27th Ward. (Chicago Lighthouse, LLC). With no objections, passed.
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Item 4 is a proposed ordinance to provide $17m in tax increment financing assistance, other financial assistance, and conveyance of city owned property to rehabilitate and construct affordable housing units at various locations, and develop a national public housing museum at
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919 to 925 S Ada Street in the 25th and 28th wards. Item passes.
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Item 5 is a proposed ordinance to enter a redevelopment agreement for multi-family program loan funding, $5m in tax increment financing, and the purchase of city owned property to develop affordable housing at 839-845 E 63rd St, and 6305-6311 S Maryland Ave. Passes.
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Item 6 is a proposed ordinance to authorize issuance of tax exempt revenue bonds for the construction of Auburn Gresham apartments at 834-858 W 79th St, and 757 W 79th St. Passes.
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Item 7 is a proposal to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the Chicago Park District for provision of $135,000 worth of TIF funds. This would be for improvements at Bickerdike Square Park. Passes.
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Item 8 is a proposal to use $350,000 worth of TIF funds with the Chicago Park District to support renovations and construct a comfort station at Metcalfe Park. Passes.
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Item 9 is a proposal to use $800,000 worth of TIF funds with the Chicago Park District to improve and renovate Burnside Park. Passes.
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Item 10 is a proposal to use $3.5m worth of TIF funds with the Chicago Park District to construct a recreation center and playing field at Addams Park. Passes.
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Item 11 is a proposal to use $650,000 worth of TIF funds with the Chicago Park District for eligible improvement costs at Fernwood Park. Passes.
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Item 12 is a proposal to use $500,000 worth of TIF funds with the Chicago Park District for improvements at Frank J Wilson Park. Passes.
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Item 13 is a proposal to use $500,000 worth of TIF funds with the Chicago Park District for construction and renovations at Jefferson Memorial Park. Passes.
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Item 14 is a proposal to use $3.46m worth of TIF funds with the Chicago Park District for certain renovations in the field house at Clarendon Park.
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Item 15 concerns monthly settlements via the law dept and will be placed on file with the clerk, while Items 16 and 17 are authorizations for the payment of small claims against the city. Items placed on the omnibus.
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Item 18 is 4 proposed orders to execute settlement orders. Passed.
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Item 18b - a settlement for Mia Wright vs City of Chicago in the amount of $1.67m. Item deferred.
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Item 18c - a settlement for $1.2m with the City of Chicago (name unintelligible). Item passes.
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Item 18d - Chad Johnson vs City of Chicago, a settlement of $150,000. Passes.
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Next up is reports from the Committee on Budget & Government Operations from Feb 16th, 2022 meeting. The committee recommends passage on the following: a substitute ordinance for an amendment to the annual appropriations ordinance for the year 2022,
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and a proposal to approve the transfer of funds within the city council legislative reference bureau for the year 2022. Both passed. The subcommittee on the Chicago Recovery Plan convened for a subject matter hearing, but no vote was taken at that time.
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Next, report from Committee on Rules that met on February 22nd, 2022. They recommend passage of the following: resolution amending rules of order and procedure in city council to allow electronic voting. Passes.
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Committee on Economic Capital & Technology is next, for the meeting that took place on February 15th. They recommend a handful of special service reappointments, those items pass. The final item was for a property tax incentive, which also passed.
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Next up, Committee on Health and Human Relations. They recommended the following: affirmation and respect of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. Mayor Lightfoot took a moment to address this point, stating that "we stand with the country of Ukraine." #Ukraine
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Committee on Housing recommended various sales of city land to businesses, + some acquisitions. Ald. Ervin commented that it's "what's needed in the Madison corridor to bring back the vitality of the business district that was once considered the Michigan Ave of the West Side."
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"When it's your turn to provide snacks for the kids at the game, how many choices do you have? And yet you get to have healthy snacks. Your kids aren't drinking the blue juice. They're not eating the flaming hots for breakfast, lunch, dinner or snacks. [..] We have to put our..
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money where our mouth is, and it starts with the fact that everybody has a right to eat, and needs to have an opportunity to have somewhere to shop. This is corporate discrimination on some of our basic human functions." -Ald. Hairston on grocery stores leaving black/brown areas.
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Here's more context on food inequities on the West Side. #WestSide #Chicago
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Declining grocery store options on the South Side as well: #SouthSide #Chicago
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Ald. Lopez raises hesitation around the process behind procuring vacant land for the purpose of installing grocery stores, "we are going to see an explosion of city owned property, city owned storefronts, [..] b/c that's the only thing that's right and fair when all of these..
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businesses leave based on the policy logic we're hearing today." Sounds like thinly veiled concern trolling to cultivate total inaction. South and West Sides need their stores right now, at present, in this moment. Ald. Beale & Lopez maintained the only NO votes on this.
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Next is Committee on License and Consumer Protection. Ordinance amendments to permit liquor licenses to Lakefront vendors around Millennium Park, and another amendment to amend Section 1 of the municipal code regarding ineligibility to conduct business with City of Chicago..
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.. due to removal from public office, treason, sedition or related offenses. Motion passed.
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Next is Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety. Installing parking meters, establishing operating hours of parking on portions of West Ohio St, both sides of W Ohio St from N Kingsbury St to the culdesac, to the East, from 8am to 6pm Monday - Sunday. Items pass in omnibus.
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Committee on Public Safety: Appointment of Andrea Kersten Chief Administrator of the Civilian Office of Police Accountability. Ald. Tabares spoke against this appointment, saying that "Ms. Kersten has refused to admit that she made a mistake in releasing the report seeking..
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the suspension of a fallen police officer. Now Ms. Kersten seeks a position to judge police officers who make split second life or death decisions. Ms. Kersten has refused to apologize for her decision to include Officer French's name in the report - instead, saying 'sorry'..
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if Officer French's friends and family took it the wrong way. Ms. Kersten said her hands were tied in releasing the report recommending Officer French for suspension due to FOIA regulations. This has been called into question by leading experts in the field, and we've learned..
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that Ms. Kersten has taken zero use-of-force training to see how she herself would respond under similar situations that police officers face on a daily basis." Tabares will be voting against Kersten's appointment.
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Ald. Hadden: "To my colleagues who oppose this appointment: I genuinely can understand your position. I can understand the strong feelings that you have, and I wish those feelings extended to the lives of black residents in the city, as some of those same colleagues..
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who've been so vocal, are the same people who dmp'd a settlement. If you want law and order, you want consistency. If you want accountability, we need it from all of us. All of our public servants. That means police officers who bash out windows, pulled somebody from their hair,
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and blind them for no reason have to be held accountable as well." She goes on to say that though Kersten's decisions put her at odds with the public, family and colleagues of Officer French, she nonetheless was always following the rules. #CPD #Chicago #PublicSafety #Police
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Several Alderppl following expressed that while they may have been disappointed with Kersten's "insensitivity" to the situation, they still support her confirmation because she was simply doing her job. A few also pointed out double standards in who we care to hold accountable.
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Motion passes roll call vote, with 31 YES votes and 14 NO votes. Kersten will be appointed to the position. #Kersten #COPA #CPD #PoliceAccountability #Police #Chicago
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Next were board member/member appointments and one reappointment to the Chicago Emergency Telephone System Board. Passes.
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Committee on Special Events, Cultural Affairs and Recreation: appointment of Andrea Tuley for Commissioner of the Park District, authorization for annual events/contracts for year 2022, and sub ordinance regarding process for outdoor special events. All pass.
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Committee on Transportation & Public Way: ordinances for transportation items and others introduced by local alder people. Passes.
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Committee on Zoning, Landmarks & Building Standards: various map amendments in the 1st,3rd,6th,11th,25th, 27th,29th,32nd,33rd,34th, 35th, 37th, 38th, 44th, 50th wards, a historical landmark designation of the Seth Warner House, and various large signs in multiple wards. All pass.
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That concludes the Committees section. Next is the Agreed (Consent) Calendar. All items there moved into the omnibus.
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After that were presentations of a number of ordinances, resolutions, petitions, etc. regarding traffic regulations, zoning, licensing, amendments to municipal codes, and other procedural matters introduced locally by alder people.
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No corrections or approvals of the Journal of Proceedings, and no miscellaneous business. Alder people then acknowledged George Blakemore's 80th birthday and celebrated him. Happy Birthday George, Chicago loves and appreciates you!
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With no further business, meeting adjourned. Next city council meeting will be in March. Happy Thursday and enjoy your weekends! #Chicago #CityCouncil #CHIDocumenters #Committees #CPD #WestSide #SouthSide #Kersten #Lightfoot

Agency Information

Chicago City Council

The Chicago City Council is the legislative branch of the government of the City of Chicago and consists of the Mayor and Aldermen elected from each of the City’s fifty wards. Source

If you attend a meeting in person, be prepared to go through a security checkpoint and show photo ID.

Meetings are also livestreamed at https://www.chicityclerk.com/.

At this link, scroll down to “Meeting Notices.” Look for “Watch now” and click on the link with the meeting title to go to a livestream page. If you don’t see a link for the meeting, you may be early or the meeting may be starting late. Wait a few moments and try refreshing your Internet tab.

Recordings of past City Council meetings may be found here: https://vimeo.com/user100351763/videos/sort:date.

See also: “What to Expect at a Meeting of Chicago’s City Council” via the Better Government Association.



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