Tuesday Committee meetings

Cook County Board of Commissioners


This is a remote assignment. The Cook County Board typically holds most of its committee meetings back-to-back on the Tuesday/Wednesday, to discuss and make recommendations on proposed items before they go to a full board vote on Thursday. For this assignment you will document the following meetings currently scheduled for 2/8/2022:

  • 11:05 a.m.: Finance Subcommittee on Litigation
  • 11:30 a.m.: Finance Subcommittee on Workers’ Compensation
  • 12 p.m.: Veterans Committee
  • 1:30 p.m.: Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations Committee

You can watch the meetings live-stream at https://www.cookcountyil.gov/service/watch-live-board-proceedings. We do not expect you to prepare in-depth for each meeting but it is a good idea to be familiar with each committee’s responsibilities and 1-2 key agenda items.

Note: Sometimes the meeting schedule changes so it’s a good idea to double check the schedule the morning of at https://cook-county.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx. Also note that Cook County Board members will be meeting earlier in the morning on Forest Preserves matters (on the same live-stream link) and sometimes that meeting runs long. If that happens, you are not expected to document preserves-related matters (we have another set of Documenters assigned to cover them), but we will count that time toward your total assignment hours.

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Note-taking by Nora Afify

Appointment of Lynne Turner as board secretary, Process for selecting an independent inspector general

Live reporting by Will Reynolds

Appointment of Lynne Turner as board secretary, Process for selecting an independent inspector general

Will Reynolds @willinois
HI! I'll be live tweeting today's Cook County Board of Directors committee meetings, starting with the Finance subcommittee on litigation, scheduled to start at 11:05, for @CHIdocumenters #ChiDocumenters

11:04 AM Feb 8, 2022 CST

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@CHIdocumenters I'm live tweeting remotely. The video can be viewed here: cookcountyil.gov/service/watch-…

Currently, the Forest Preserve District meeting is running long. I'll start tweeting when they begin to meet for county board committee meetings.
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Ok, now they're calling roll to meet as the litigation committee of the cook county board. Cook county board members also serve as the forest preserve district board.
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The Forest Preserve District board is still meeting. It's not my assignment but I'm a nerd about this stuff so...
They're giving a report of the forest preserve committee on Racial Equity, Diversity & Inclusion.
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The REDI committee reports on increasing the number of African-American employees in the forest preserve district. They conduct employee trainings.

This brings to mind a controversy with the Forest Preserve police several years ago.

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Forest Preserve staff make reports and present contracts on the agenda.

A number of events are coming up, such as a Superb Owl party Sunday.
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They take a series of votes as the forest preserve board without debate.

They're doing this procedural thing of calling county board committee meetings to order at the scheduled time and then recessing them while they continue the forest preserve meeting.
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Somebody is clanging dishes while they eat with their mic on. I find it excessively irritating.

They're moving on to the litigation committee, but it's still the Forest Preserve, not the county board litigation committee scheduled for 11:05.

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Ok, they switched graphics on the video feed from forest preserve district to cook county board of commissioners. The litigation committee begins!
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The first two agenda items pass without debate. Commissioner Lowry removes himself from the call due to a conflict of interest representing Northwestern Memorial Hospital. They go into closed executive session to discuss proposed litigation on that agenda item, 22-1600.
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I'm passing time during closed session by practicing my banjo songs about Chicago. I'm giving my first open mic night a try at Rocks Northcenter on Thursday!
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Ok, the cook county board litigation committee is back from closed session where they discussed "Northwestern Memorial Hospital v. Cook County and Hospitals System."

They approve all remaining agenda items without further discussion, then adjourn the committee.
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Now they meet as the Workers' Compensation Committee. They vote on minutes form the last meeting and adjourn.
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The Cook County Board begins meeting as the Veterans Committee. Staff make a report. They're coordinating with other agencies to help veterans find all available resources, particularly on homelessness.
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After a 15 minute break, they start the legislation and intergovernmental relations committee.

Adriann Murawski speaks in favor of a potential appointee to the county land bank authority, Maurice Hampton. But the appointments are postponed until the next meeting.
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Next, appointment of Lynne Marie Turner as secretary to the cook county board. Departing secretary Matt DeLeon sings her praises.
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Lynne Turner is currently deputy secretary for the board and gets a little choked up when asked to speak. She's a "Cabrini-Green girl" who "started as a bookkeeper at my dad's gas station."

"I'm very excited and very honored to sit before you today."
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Board members all take turns giving effusive praise to Turner for her work and promotion. Her appointment is unanimously approved.

Appointments for other positions are quickly introduced.
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An ordinance on process for selecting an independent inspector general. They'll pick a new one between now and October 15. After that passes the committee votes to adjourn.

The county board is done for the day and that concludes my live tweeting for Chicago Documenters.

Agency Information

Cook County Board of Commissioners

County Commissioners are elected officials who oversee county activities and work to ensure that citizen concerns are met, federal and state requirements are fulfilled, and county operations run smoothly. The Cook County Board of Commissioners is the governing board and legislative body of the county. It is comprised of 17 Commissioners, each serving a four-year term and is elected from single member districts. Each district represents approximately 300,000 residents. The Board also operates approximately 40 committees and subcommittees chaired by members of Board of Commissioners.

Remote meetings of the Cook County Board of Commissioners are live-streamed at https://www.cookcountyil.gov/service/watch-live-board-proceedings

Learn more or share your own tips about the Cook County Board of Commissioners on the Documenters message board here.



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