Wednesday Committee meetings

Cook County Board of Commissioners


This is a remote assignment. The Cook County Board typically holds most of its committee meetings back-to-back on the Tuesday/Wednesday, to discuss and make recommendations on proposed items before they go to a full board vote on Thursday. For this assignment you will document the following meetings currently scheduled for 2/9/2022:

  • 9:30 AM: Finance Committee
  • 9:30 AM: Zoning and Building Committee (though these two meetings are both scheduled for 9:30, one will follow the other)
  • 10 AM: Finance Subcommittee on Tax Delinquency
  • 11 AM: Health & Hospitals Committee

Note: Sometimes the meeting schedule changes so it’s a good idea to double check the schedule the morning of at

You can watch the meetings live-stream at We do not expect you to prepare in-depth for each meeting but it is a good idea to be familiar with each committee’s responsibilities and 1-2 key agenda items.

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Note-taking by Jonah Nink

Property tax levy, Waterway sediment/debris study, Masking, Mental/behavioral health

Live reporting by Will Reynolds

Property tax levy, Waterway sediment/debris study, Masking, Mental/behavioral health

Will Reynolds @willinois
Good morning! I'm live tweeting the Cook County Board of Commissioners committee meetings this morning, scheduled to start at 9:30am, for @CHIdocumenters

09:30 AM Feb 9, 2022 CST

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@CHIdocumenters I'm watching remotely. You can follow along live at the county website:…

Meeting notes and agendas here:
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The rules and administration committee starts right on time with commissioner Britton chairing. They have no business and adjourn after approving minutes from the last meeting.
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The Zoning and Building Committee approves a special use permit for an underground pool in an "environmentally sensitive" area.

They have no other business and adjourn.
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The Finance Committee, with Commissioner Daley as chair, approves court orders and several pages of agenda items without discussion.
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A presentation by an unidentified staff member on the Cook County Health Fund.

The state of Illinois owes $296 million to the county health fund.

Another group of reports and other agenda items are approved without debate.
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County CFO Amar Rizki has a presentation on property tax levies for the '22 fiscal year.
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The county doesn't allow viewers to enlarge meeting video.
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Finance committee chairman Daley says the committee should be proud the county is living within their means and has not increased their levy since 1994, "despite the articles people will read."
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In response to question from Commissioner Sims, Rizki says the county is not taking "natural growth." They legally could be taking more.
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A commissioner, who I can't identify because he's in a tiny, tiny window of the small video window, points out that school districts typically take the fully levy increase they're allowed. Cook county not taking more is "almost unheard of" and wants to emphasize it.
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Commissioner says under both the current and past county board president they had a goal to keep the levy at $720 million.

Daley: people see the county portion of their property tax bill go up but it's the school districts collecting more.

The report is approved unanimously.
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The Tax Delinquency committee meets next, with commissioner Deborah Sims chairing.

They take two motions approving all agenda items as a group without discussion. Committee adjourns.
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They're taking a short break until the next committee starts. A commissioner asks "how's everyone doin?" over the livestream and there's awkward silence.
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Commissioner Kevin Morrison is chairing the Innovation and Technology committee.

County chief information officer Lynch explains an intergovernmental agreement with US Geological Survey. Program will help with flood planning, environmental monitoring.
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Lynch: "In the past we've done some of this with private contractors but we believe doing it with the federal government is better." Also cheaper.

Studies sediment & debris in waterways and how it will impact those waterways in the future.
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Commissioner Britton raises the cost of climate change and flooding. This agreement will be cost effective by helping the county prepare for events, like 100 year floods that keep happening more often.
"I do think this is a very worthwhile expenditure of the county's money."
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Commissioner Aguilar says the state tests water quality every 5 years. "Why are we spending money on testing when we get the data" from the state?
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Lynch responds the study will test water quality as a bonus benefit. The focus is testing the surface of waterways at the bottom and depth. Data will be shared with other agencies.

Water Reclamation district studies particular areas, but this will look at the entire county.
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Commissioner Sean Morrison calls it a "first of its kind evaluation of the Cook county watershed." Will take four years.
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Motion states: "Bathymetric data acquisition allows Cook County departments and agencies to identify the
infrastructure, obstructions, or sediment accumulated at the bottom of water bodies throughout Cook
County through the use of sonar technology."

Approved unanimously.
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There's a 15 minute break until the Health and Hospitals committee scheduled at 11am.
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Commissioner Arroyo is chairing the Health and Hospitals committee of the Cook County Board.

Public speaker Dina Rubakha speaks about health measures around COVID. 81% of people who passed away from COVID in Chicago are over 60. But we're restricting movement of young people.
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"All these restrictions are increasing" other problems. Obesity is increasing. Would like to see public health action that... The secretary keeps talking over the speaker to say how long she has left to speak. I'm not sure what the speaker's specific request is. Nobody responds.
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Health department staff mention a judge removed the school mask mandate.

County vaccine program continues. Anyone who receives a vaccine at cook county health will get a $100 gift card.
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An unidentified Cook County Health Dept employee quickly goes through slides about the effectiveness of vaccines for young children.

A doctor from county health dept hopes to lift mitigation order in coming weeks. The end is in sight.
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The county health department "continues to endorse universal masking at all schools in accordance with CDC guidelines."

Their legal interpretation is that only plaintiffs named in lawsuit are allowed to not wear masks at schools.
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Commissioner Bridget Degnan brings up agenda item 22-0737. They pass a "substitute." They're not saying if this is different than what's in the agenda.

The resolution creates an "alternative health response team task force."
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Degnan: Emergency mobile mental health response teams would provide direct services to people experiencing a mental health crisis as a substitute for police response.
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Degnan: 911 calls for people experiencing a mental health crisis would be diverted "away from police response where there is no alleged criminal activity."

Governor Pritzker signed a law on the same topic. This task force would recommend a plan.
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Commissioner Luis Arroyo supports ordinance. Mentions a former police officer will be on parole for murder of Laquan McDonald.
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Commissioner Miller wants to be a co-sponsor. "Mobile vans are definitely needed."
Asks Degnan if there's ARPA funding for this.
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Commissioner Degnan doesn't directly say it's funded by ARPA but she's talked to the president's office. It's within the scope of ARPA funding.

Didn't bring this as an ordinance to pass because there's a lot of "triaging and triangulating between different health departments."
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Degnan says it will be initially funded by ARPA. Will need a plan for budgeting afterward. It's something to work out between agencies and health providers.
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Degnan: "Hopefully those kinks will be worked out in a pilot program" and then pushed out.

Hopefully over time "with the metrics we've laid out" they will see some cost saving. Degnan uses more professional bureaucrat buzzwords and cliches.
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Multiple commissioners praise the ordinance and ask to be added as co-sponsors.

Degnan: "One of the four corners of the ordinance is to find sustainable funding over time."
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All commissioners present are added as co-sponsors. Degnan's resolution for a task force on alternative mental health response teams passes.
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Moving on to reports. Maybe somebody quickly introduced the speaker and what department she's from but I missed it. I'm looking at the top of someone's head rattling off numbers very quickly. I can't read the charts on the tiny, blurry meeting video. I'm a little lost.
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Behavioral Health Access Line needs more support. "Because of COVID we've seen a lot of crisis intervention. More so than ever."
They're providing services they don't have the capacity for.
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They did a crisis mobile unit. Has data Commissioner Degnan may want to see related to her ordinance.
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Report by Manny Estrada from Cook County Cermak Health Services. Provides mental health services at Cook County Jail. Largest single site provider of mental health services in the state of Illinois.
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Increased demand in services coincides with COVID surges. "We've hat to flex."
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Juvenile Justice Center mental health services report.
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Now a report from Sheriff Tom Dart's office. They're working with the caseload of people not seeking services at the Cermak mental health center.
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The county sheriff trains officers to connect people with relevant resources so "they don't need a social worker sitting in the back of the car in case they're needed."
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A presentation on mental health work by the state's attorney office.
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Presentation from the office of the chief judge. They don't operate mental health programs but direct people to them.
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More reports on mental health services, this time from the public defender.
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That concludes reports. Commissioner Anaya asks about how success is measured for the mental health mobile response unit.
Grant funding for ran out. They had to discontinue the program due to COVID infections.
Will share data about issues and obstacles they experienced.
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There's some discussion about the reason for staff positions not being filled and the need to follow up.

Reports are accepted unanimously.

The committee adjourns at 1:19. That concludes my live-tweeting of today's Cook County Board committee meetings for @CHIdocumenters

Agency Information

Cook County Board of Commissioners

County Commissioners are elected officials who oversee county activities and work to ensure that citizen concerns are met, federal and state requirements are fulfilled, and county operations run smoothly. The Cook County Board of Commissioners is the governing board and legislative body of the county. It is comprised of 17 Commissioners, each serving a four-year term and is elected from single member districts. Each district represents approximately 300,000 residents. The Board also operates approximately 40 committees and subcommittees chaired by members of Board of Commissioners.

Remote meetings of the Cook County Board of Commissioners are live-streamed at

Learn more or share your own tips about the Cook County Board of Commissioners on the Documenters message board here.



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